TMS’ Twitter Nice List
As the General Election came to an end, Text Mining Solutions is turning its attention to a much more feel-good topic; Christmas!
What better way to get excited for the season of joy, parties and mince pies than some social listening, data analysis and an official TMS Nice List. By mining through recent tweets containing the #christmas, and filtering them further by user, content and implied sentiment, the algorithm has successfully picked up some tweets which perfectly sum up this important time of generosity and giving.
It has been heart-warming and inspiring to see the kind initiatives of locals, families and companies in using this happy time to give back to the community, or support those in need in a variety of different ways.
Take a look at the tweets below to see some of the highlights of this week’s analysis, and the people at the top of the TMS Twitter Nice List.
In Portsmouth, Sainsbury’s supplied food for a Young Carers Christmas party, hosted by Southsea Fire Station, Angela from Asda in Harrogate also donated for a festive fiesta, and The Castle School’s Sixth Form Council organised a charity collection which collected over £800 worth of gifts!

It is so important that at this busy and exciting time, we take a minute to support those around us who are less fortunate, so make sure you do your bit this Christmas.
On behalf of Text Mining Solutions, and founder Steven Brewer, we would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas!