Data Mining to align Your Business Purpose and Strategy with the Future
In today’s digital world data is the key to your success. Personalised data visualization unlocks valuable insights into market intelligence, return on investment and more.
The Transformational Innovation Process
Unique Transformation Axes (TA) define disruptions occurring in all industries today. A TA shows the Future End State for each Current State. See the Auto Industry example below:
Exactly how and when changes to each Future State will happen are unknown.
The Transformational Information Process provides you with all the tools and relevant information to successfully manage through the TAs and beat the competition.
Know where to Innovate?
How many Transformation Axes are effecting your business? What are the Future/End States? Aware of confirmation bias? Use our 7-Step Transformational Innovation Process and discover how effective data insight can transform your organisation.
Contact a Transformational Innovation Expert.
Dick Lee
West Palm Beach,
Steve Brewer
York, England

Beyond the first page of Google
Although a useful tool, Google only shows results from a small percentage of the internet. Keyword searching also misses out on important alternative words. Would you have known printed electronics is a huge topic in smart packaging?
Are you sitting on an information gold mine?
We can quickly delve through thousands of your technical manuals, call centre records and more to deliver the nuggets of data you need. Read more about our solutions.
Text Mining Solutions: An Introduction
(Our very handy video)
Quickly identify relevant information
What types of businesses can use personalised data visualization? What’s our pricing structure? Take a look at our Frequently Asked Questions.
Why choose Text Mining Solutions
We build data products to transform how our clients on three continents do business. And all from helping out a fizzy drink giant. Uncover our full story in About.
Typically our solutions have multi-sector applicability, suitable for most businesses, academic and science institutes, professionals and anybody with an unfulfilled information extraction requirement. Our clients’ interests include data services, contract management, health economics, product registration, research & development and world class manufacturing solutions.